Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Underrated and Overlooked: Starlight Road

As formats and decks and trends change, some cards become the new "go-to" choices (Vanity's Emptiness anyone?) while others are left in the dust.

The other day while on DevPro, I stopped a Judgment Dragon from ruining a perfectly good game with Starlight Road and promptly took control. My opponent began complaining, asking me why on earth would I play Starlight Road? Nobody plays it anymore and that is unrealistic to have it in the deck since Heavy Storm was banned.

Cool, but not as cool as Rainbow Road.

His comments made me wonder: how brainless is he? But also, is Starlight Road that unpopular right now? I remember that in the past, it was more common than not to have Starlight Road in the Main Deck. But I have to admit that Starlight Road has fallen by the wayside as the games has accelerated in finding newer ways to remove people's cards on the field. Between Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack, Spellbooks, Mermails, and Firefists only destroying 1 card at a time, Big Eye stealing things, Constellar Pleiades bouncing cards, and Gishkis and Madolces spinning cards away, I can see why Starlight Road has lost its appeal for defense. And current meta decks are so aggressive and good at gaining card advantage that they need not bother with a slow, possibly useless Road.

However, Starlight Road still has potential for the less than meta decks. There are still plenty of staple mass removal cards even with Heavy Storm gone. Here are some to constantly watch out for:
Dark Hole
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute
Black Rose Dragon
You might also see some Tech Card mass removal such as Malevolent Catastrophe, Chain Whirlwind, Treacherous Trap Hole, or Needle Ceiling.

And of course, many themes (that are not currently the meta) have some access to mass removal:
Icarus Attack (Blackwings and Harpies)
Gladiator Beast Bestiari (this thing will ruin your day)
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Lightsworns (Judgment Dragon, Celestia Lightsworn Angel, or Lyla + Raiden = Black Rose)
Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
X-Sabers, Batterymen, etc...The list goes on and on.

For decks that are a little slower and do not generate as much card advantage as some meta decks, Starlight Road is a great insurance policy. Because when you do go on the offensive, it's nice to know that a single mass removal card will not ruin your day. Starlight Road allows you to play more aggressively and try to take control of the game. In addition, with the rise of the popular decks mentioned above, Spell Speed 2 monster effects that can negate traps like Six Samurai - Shi En, Evolzar Laggia, or Naturia Barkion are seeing decreased play, making it far more likely for your Starlight Road to actually resolve. Still, watch out for Trap Stun and Forbidden Lance! As a bonus, it always delights me to Set Starlight as a bluff and watch my opponent waste Mystical Space Typhoon on it.

If you are running a more defensive deck, Starlight Road may still have a place in it. Try it out!

An Ending Note and Prophecy

In the next Yugioh Booster Set Legacy of the Valiant, there is one particular monster I am concerned about: Evilswarm Exciton Knight (Warning: name subject to change from those terrible translations).
Damn, is he ugly!
This looks essentially like an Xyz version of Black Rose Dragon. It has the powerful ability to destroy the whole field (except himself, which is sort of a bonus). And it is extremely easy to make since all you need are 2 level 4 monsters. I'd say it's easier than Black Rose because when your opponent has a level 4 monster and a level 3 tuner out (and you have lots of cards on the field), you know what going to happen next. With 2 level 4 monsters, you'll never know if your opponent is going for Exciton Knight or another Xyz until it's too late! I am afraid that this card might become an Rank 4 Extra Deck staple upon its American release. Forewarned is forearmed. Starlight Road may again become a popular method of protecting your valuable resources in the face of this new threat. Of course, only time will tell!

What do you think guys? Is Starlight Road still good? Will it see increased play in the coming format? Let me know in a comment!

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